Work-from-Home Success: Learning from a Veteran Constructor
While those viral videos of work-from-home fails are amusing, it is not the case when you experience them. From where the statue of the bear and the strawberry tree locates, Miguel Ángel de Mingo, CEO of ZWSpain (MP Scia Ingenieria S.L.) who had years of experience in the construction industry shares his thoughts on how to stay productive at home in this special period.
The Statue of the Bear and the Strawberry Tree in Madrid, Spain
The Covid-19 has placed us in a situation hitherto unpredictable. It has changed our family life, working practices, and ways of socializing. And in many cases, such unusual circumstance has generated in us a sense of solidarity as well as uncertainty.
As they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Thanks to this pandemic, we realize the importance of technology in our lives and, of course, in the primary economic sectors, such as engineering and construction. As a member in the construction sector, I’d like to share my experience of how to utilize technology to get used to this new normal and continue my design work efficiently. I hope it will do a little help to you in this hard time.
Technological innovations that accelerate your work
Since my team and I deal with CAD software daily, we know a thing or two about relevant technological innovations and how to incorporate them into work. So, for us engineers, the first thing we need is an efficient design tool. It mustn’t consume a big chunk of your computer’s memory nor require fancy hardware. As one of such systems, ZWCAD is lightweight and runs well on most computers. Moreover, under its flexible network licensing policy, users can borrow licenses at home, which is the same as registering a stand-alone one.
What’s more, ZWCAD fulfills the necessary premises to be a benchmark in the construction industry. One is that its compatibility and flexibility allow you to communicate data effectively among different programs with your team. Therefore, you won’t feel like working alone, but instead connected, creative, and productive. The other is that you can integrate your routines into ZWCAD via APIs like LISP, .NET, VBA, etc. That enables you to continue your daily design work at home.
Haven’t had one? Here is the good news. ZWSOFT is now providing free ZWCAD, ZW3D and CADbro licenses for whoever needs to work at home until May 31st! This is indeed the embodiment of solidarity in difficult times.
Get a better command of innovative technologies
Now that we have technological innovations, the second step will be incorporating them into our work. That is, we keep grasping new CAD skills and improve our work efficiency.
But how to achieve that goal when we have to stay at home? Online learning resources and technical support are always helpful. For example, ZWSOFT global partners are providing various online services to their local users. And just like what we have been doing over the past 10 years, my ZWSpain team offers free webinars (Click to review the one on point clouds and digital topographic models!), open courses, tutorials on different solutions and messages about the latest news in the industry. With direct, prompt, personalized, and highly professional technical support, our users are getting used to a new way of working, and their productivity rises.
It might not have crossed your mind that teleworking could be widely adopted, but that time has arrived. Now, it has become clearer that to get ahead, we must continue equipping ourselves with the knowledge of new technologies. With a useful tool like ZWCAD and the online support offered by ZWSOFT partners, I believe that you’ll succeed in CADing even while working from home!
Have you got some tips from Miguel? If you have any other bright ideas of working from home efficiently, don’t hesitate to share with us in the comment area! Last but not least, we hope all is well with you, wherever you are. Stay safe, stay at home, and stay productive with free ZWSOFT products!