Das Mechanikmodul von CADprofi wurde um den neuen Befehl Wellengenerator , erweitert, mit dem Wellen automatisch aus vom Benutzer ausgewählten Kom read more
CADprofi program has got additional commands which make it easier to create technical drawings. These commands are available in both upper menu and read more
Moduł mechaniczny programu CADprofi został rozszerzony o nowe polecenie Generator wałów, które pozwala automatycznie generować wałki
z wy read more
CADprofi Mechanical has been extended with a new Shaft Generator command, which allows to automatically generate shafts from user-selected componen read more
Der Befehl Normteile wurde erweitert um eine neue Kategorie - Federn (Druckfedern, Tellerfedern)
Polecenia Normalia zostało rozszerzone o nową kategorię - Sprężyny (naciskowe, talerzowe).
The Standardized parts command has been extended with the Springs category (compression, disc).
Das Programm unterstützt bei der Erstellung von 2D-Projekten in den Bereichen Maschinenbau, Mechanik, Stahlbau und Apparatebau. Das Modul zeichnet read more
CADprofi Mechanical pomaga w projektowaniu projektów mechanicznych i budowlanych w 2D. Aplikacja zawiera bogaty zestaw części znormalizowanych p read more
CADprofi Mechanical helps in designing mechanical and construction projects in 2D. Application contains an extensive set of standardized parts prep read more
Aplicaţie CAD parametrică ce facilitează concepţia 2D a proiectelor de inginerie mecanică.
Modulul Mechanical este echipat cu un set ex read more
Programme aide à la conception de projets et de la construction mécanique en 2D. Application contient un ensemble complet de pièces normalisées read more
CADprofi Mechanical BG
Il Software che aiuta nella progettazione meccanica e in progetti di costruzioni 2D. Il modulo comprende un vasta libreria di parti standard realiz read more
Параметрическое CAD приложение облегчающее создание машиностроительных и инжен read more
CADprofi Mechanical in Greek language.
Parametrische CAD-applicatie die het 2D ontwerp van mechanische en bouwkundige vereenvoudigd.
De Mechanische module bevat een uitgebreide se read more
Egy parametrikus CAD alkalmazás, mely megkönnyíti a 2D-s gépészeti és mérnöki tervezést.
A Mechanical modul nagy számú szabványo read more
CADprofi Mechanical wspomaga tworzenie projektów mechanicznych i konstrukcyjnych w 2D. Aplikacja odznacza się wyjątkowo obszernym zestawem czę read more
The Symbols - hydraulics and pneumatics command contains elements that are used in creation of hydraulics and pneumatics schemes.
Creating i read more
CADprofi allows to create logical, functional and technological block diagrams. The Flowcharts and diagrams command contains elements that are used read more
The Exchangers, pipes, fittings command contains many elements that are used in designing heat exchangers, vessels, boilers etc. Elliptical bottoms read more
The Steel shapes command allows user to insert to the project all kind of steel shapes such as: flat bars, L-shapes, U-shapes, Z-shapes etc. For al read more
The Bill of materials command allows to obtain various data extracts and printings. The easiest and fastest way to receive a specification is to s read more
CADprofi program has got typical markings that are used to create mechanical branch documentation. These markings are prepared in accordance with n read more
The Weld views command contains markings according to the ISO 2553 standard.
During insertion of elements to the drawing it is possible to dynamically select the length from the type of series. Thanks to this feature it is m read more
The Standardized parts command allows to insert to the drawing standardized elements such as: screws, nuts, rivets, keys, bearings, wedges etc. All read more
CADprofi Mechanical helps in designing mechanical and construction projects in 2D. Application contains an extensive set of standardized parts prep read more
CADprofi program has been expanded with a new functionality for drawing schematic lines. The latest version of the program introduces the ability t read more
Программа позволяет проектировать любые электрические сети в гражданского и пр read more
W programie CADprofi rozszerzono funkcjonalność rysowania przewodów schematycznych. W najnowszej wersji programu wprowadzono możliwość rysowa read more
In CADprofi Electrical wurde die dynamische Bestimmung von Blitzschutzzonen für ein Mehrmastsystem mit der Rolling-Ball-Methode für vier LPS-Schu read more
Dynamic determination of lightning protection areas for a multi-mast system using the rolling ball method for four LPS protectionclasses has been a read more
In the electrical scheme creator and libraries that contain central heating calculations with decentralized domestic hot water preparation stations read more
W kreatorze schematów elektrycznych oraz bibliotekach zawierających obliczenia c.o. z decentralnymi stacjami przygotowania c.w.u. (Uponor, Strawa read more
Una aplicación paramétrica de CAD para facilitar el diseño de iluminación eléctrica, las telecomunicaciones y más.
El módulo eléctri read more
CADprofi Electrical pomaga w projektowaniu wszelkich instalacji elektrycznych zarówno w budownictwie jak i w przemyśle. Aplikacja posiada wygodny read more
CADprofi Electrical unterstützt den Anwender beim Zeichnen in den Bereichen Elektrotechnik, Regelung, Steuerung und Automatisierung.
Das Mo read more
CADprofi Electrical helps in designing of all electrical installations in both construction and industry. Application has got a convenient schemati read more
Aplicaţie CAD parametrică ce facilitează realizarea proiectelor complexe de instalaţii electrice, de iluminare şi telecomunicaţii şi altele. read more
CADprofi allows to quickly draw installations sequences (e.g. piping, ventilation, cable trays) and walls along the selected infoline. For isntalla read more
Program CADprofi pozwala na błyskawiczne rysowanie ciągów instalacji (np. rurowych, wentylacyjnych, tras kablowych) oraz ścian wzdłuż wskazan read more
Celem samouczka jest nabycie praktycznej umiejętności wykorzystania programu CADprofi Electrical przy tworzeniu schematów elektrycznych.
Die Planung sämtlicher Elektroinstallationen in Bauplänen wird vom Programm CADprofi unterstützt. Durch die Vielzahl der im Programm verfügbare read more
CADprofi program supports design of all electrical installations on building plans. Thanks to many commands available in the program
you will be read more
Program CADprofi wspomaga projektowanie wszelkich instalacji elektrycznych na rzutach budynków. Dzięki wielu poleceniom dostępnym w programie wy read more
Programme aide à la conception de toutes les installations électriques dans la construction et l'industrie. L'application a obtenu un éd read more
Schemes creator available in CADprofi program allows to quickly prepare the project allowing the designer to focus only on the selection of product read more
CADprofi Electrical BG
Il software che aiuta nella progettazione di impianti elettrici sia civili che industriali. Il modulo dispone di un utile editore di schemi, della read more
CADprofi Electrical unterstützt den Anwender beim Zeichnen in den Bereichen Elektrotechnik, Regelung, Steuerung und Automatisierung.
Das Mo read more
CADprofi Electrical je parametrická CAD aplikace usnadňující konstrukci složitých elektrických, světelných, telekomunikačních a jiných read more
Egy parametrikus CAD alkalmazás, mely megkönnyíti a komplex villamossági, világítási és telekommunikációs rendszerek tervezését, és m read more
Una aplicación paramétrica de CAD para facilitar el diseño de iluminación eléctrica, las telecomunicaciones y más.
El módulo eléctri read more
CADprofi Electrical helps in designing of all electrical installations in both construction and industry. Application has got a convenient schemati read more
CADprofi Electrical wspomaga projektowanie wszelkich instalacji elektrycznych w budownictwie i przemyśle. Program posiada wygodny edytor schemató read more
The use of predefined schemes vastly accelerates the design. CADprofi program has got many already prepared schemes. User can also define his own s read more
Thanks to the Legrand or PiN ENERGIA library of products that are available in the Manufacturers library command it is possible to create projects read more
In CADprofi program it is possible to create plans and installations cross-sections that include trays, ducts and protective tubes. When drawing an read more
The numbering system allows to assign numbers to symbols and objects that were created with CADprofi program. Objects data as well as their numbers read more
The Objects and lighting command allows to insert typical lighting fixtures. This command also contains sample light fixtures that were prepared on read more
In CADprofi there are many objects that have got the possibility to select the insertion view. Depending on the selected object certain 2D views wi read more
The Switchgears command gives the possibility to insert switchgear (distribution). 2D views (from the top) are used when designing on plans. Front read more
The Legend mode is used to create any defined legends or specification tables. In this mode it is possible to determine the overall table width, th read more
The Scheme templates command allows to insert to the project predefined lines potentials and circuit lines, which are used to quickly create scheme read more
The Bill of materials command allows to obtain various data extracts and printings. The easiest and fastest way to receive a specification is to s read more
CADprofi program possesses several commands used for inserting symbols into the drawing. It is possible to insert symbols in any point, into lines, read more
Frames and drawing tables are available in CADprofi Electrical. Various drawing tables are also available in general CADprofi commands, but when us read more
CADprofi Electrical helps in designing of all electrical installations in both construction and industry. Application has got a convenient schemati read more
Una aplicación de CAD paramétricos para facilitar el diseño de los sistemas técnicos.Cubre todo tipo de instalaciones, a saber, calefacción, v read more
Special kind of symbols are plumping objects that are used in plumbing strand diagrams.
In strand diagram drawings it is necessary to mainta read more
Das Programm unterstützt beim Planen von Installationen aller Art, z.B. Haustechnik (Heizung, Lüftung/Klima, Sanitär), Abwasser, Sprinkler, Chem read more
CADprofi HVAC & Piping pomaga w projektowaniu instalacji grzewczych, wodno-kanalizacyjnych, gazowych, medycznych, przeciwpożarowych, wentylacyjnyc read more
CADprofi HVAC & Piping helps in designing heating, water and sewage, gas, medical, fire safety, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, techn read more
Przykładowe użycie funkcji "Szybka edycja" (na przykładzie modułu HVAC & Piping)
Exemplary usage of Quick edit command in CADprofi (example shown in HVAC & Piping module).
Aplicaţie CAD parametrică pentru proiectarea echipamentelor tehnice din clădiri. Toate tipurile de instalaţii vor fi suportate, cum sunt cele d read more
CADprofi allows to quickly draw installations sequences (e.g. piping, ventilation, cable trays) and walls along the selected infoline. For isntalla read more
Program CADprofi pozwala na błyskawiczne rysowanie ciągów instalacji (np. rurowych, wentylacyjnych, tras kablowych) oraz ścian wzdłuż wskazan read more
Programme aide à la conception de chauffage, de l'eau et des eaux usées, gaz, médical, sécurité incendie, ventilation, climatisation, réf read more
Der Befehl "Kanäle – allgemeine Darstellung" sowie "Kanalzüge – allgemeine Darstellung" wurde die Möglichkeit
hinzuge read more
An option to calculate air flow rate for selected duct size have been added to
"Ducts – general views" and "Ducts sequences – read more
CADprofi HVAC & Piping BG
Do poleceń "Kanały wentylacyjne – widoki ogólne" oraz "Ciągi kanałów – widoki ogólne" dodano możliwość
oblicza read more
Il software che migliora la progettazione di impianti di riscaldamento, idrosanitari e di scarico, gas, medicali, antincendio, ventilazione, aria c read more
CADprofi HVAC & Piping je parametrická CAD aplikace pro projektování technického zařízení budov. Aplikace podporuje uživatele při projekto read more
Una aplicación de CAD paramétricos para facilitar el diseño de los sistemas técnicos.Cubre todo tipo de instalaciones, a saber, calefacción, v read more
Программа помогает при проектировании систем отопления, водоснабжения и канали read more
Egy parametrikus CAD alkalmazás épületgépészeti tervezési feladatokhoz. Támogatja a hűtés, fűtés, szellőzés, légkondícionálás, cs read more
The use of predefined schemes vastly accelerates the design. CADprofi program has got many already prepared schemes. User can also define his own s read more
It's possible to draw P&ID schemes in CADprofi.
CADprofi HVAC & Piping is used to draw ventilation ducts and fittings. Ducts dimensions can be specified by the user. They can also be selected fro read more
The Pipelines - general views and Duct sequences - general views commands allow to create piping sequences with automatic insertion of elbows that read more
CADprofi can create schematics in both isometric and dimetric view at any angle. Enabling isometric view during object insertion will automatically read more
The Bill of materials command allows to obtain various data extracts and printings. The easiest and fastest way to receive a specification is to s read more
Marks and Ventilation - Marks commands are used to insert into the projects various marks that are used to on schematic drawings, views and 2D cros read more
The "Schematic lines - edition" command allows to change or give a type to schematic lines. These changes can be applied to selected line read more
The Cross symbols command is used for automatic insertion of angular, three-way or four-way symbols in line crossings. The default cross symbol ins read more
During the symbols and objects insertion, CADprofi program is adding various descriptions and technical parameters to them. This data is stored as read more
The "Quick edit" command allows to edit symbols directly on the drawing. It is possible to perform such operations like: scale change, co read more
Multisymbols and Ventilation – Multisymbols commands allow simultaneous insertion of many symbols in one row. These symbols may be inserted eithe read more
In CADprofi HVAC & Piping there are already prepared fragments of schemes. Users can also define schemes by themselves, thanks to which it will be read more
In CADprofi program it is possible to create 2D views and cross-sections of pipes and ducts. When drawing installations lines and fittings (elbows, read more
Both Symbols and Ventilation - Symbols commands allow to insert various symbols from the available library. When inserting symbols into a line, app read more
CADprofi HVAC & Piping helps in designing heating, water and sewage, gas, medical, fire safety, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, techn read more
Sprawdź najważniejsze funkcje CADprofi Architectural w 30 minut!
CADprofi Architectural to kompleksowe oprogramowanie CAD, które wspomaga read more
CADprofi possesses several categories architectural marks symbols. Most of these symbols are available in the Symbols and marks command. To obtain read more
In 30 Minuten die wichtigsten Funktionen von CADprofi Architectural kennenlernen!
CADprofi Architectural unterstützt den Anwender sowohl be read more
Check CADprofi Architectural most important features in 30 minutes!
CADprofi Architectural helps in creating construction drawings, cross-se read more
Una aplicación de CAD paramétrico para facilitar la proyección arquitectónica.
El módulo arquitectónico puede ser utilizado para crear read more
CADprofi Architectural unterstützt den Anwender sowohl beim Zeichnen der Grundrisse als auch beim Entwerfen der Fassaden, erlaubt das Zeichnen von read more
CADprofi Architectur pomaga w tworzeniu rysunków budowlanych, przekrojów i elewacji oraz pozwala na rysowanie ścian, wstawianie drzwi i okien, t read more
Program helps in creating construction drawings, cross-sections and elevations and allows to draw walls, insert doors and windows, create architect read more
Aplicaţie CAD parametrică ce facilitează realizarea proiectelor de arhitectură.
Modulul Architectural poate fi utilizat pentru a crea pl read more
CADprofi allows to quickly draw installations sequences (e.g. piping, ventilation, cable trays) and walls along the selected infoline. For isntalla read more
Program CADprofi pozwala na błyskawiczne rysowanie ciągów instalacji (np. rurowych, wentylacyjnych, tras kablowych) oraz ścian wzdłuż wskazan read more
Programme aide à la création de dessins de construction, sections et élévations et permet de dessiner des murs, des portes et des fenêtres d&# read more
A new Gutters command has been added to the CADprofi Architectural program. In this command user can find steel and PVC gutters in both top and ele read more
CADprofi Architectural BG
Una aplicación de CAD paramétrico para facilitar la proyección arquitectónica.
El módulo arquitectónico puede ser utilizado para crear read more
Il software che aiuta nella creazione di disegni di costruzioni, sezioni e prospetti e permette di disegnare facilmente pareti, inserire porte e fi read more
CADprofi Architectural - Greek
Модуль Architectural может быть использован для создания архитектурных планов, видов, read more
Är ett parametriskt CAD-program som underlättar arkitektkonstruktion.
Arkitektmodulen kan användas för att skapa byggnadsplaner, tvärsn read more
Egy parametrikus CAD alkalmazás, mely jelentősen megkönnyíti az építészeti projektek tervezését.
Az Architectural modul lehetővé read more
Roofs command allows to quickly insert to the drawing the selected type of roof with user specified dimensions. During the block insertion, applica read more
The Safety and evacuation symbols command allows to insert to the drawing a variety of markings used in evacuation, fire safety and other plans. Th read more
The Furniture and equipment command possesses many objects that are used in construction projects. Furniture, sanitary equipment, home appliances a read more
The Dimension command is used for easy dimensioning with styles that suit the construction projects. It is possible to dimension in model or paper read more
The Stairs command allows to quickly create stairs with specified parameters. Both one-flight and landing are available. From these elements it is read more
In CADprofi it is possible to define and describe rooms or other usable areas. Program can automatically find boundaries and calculate their surfac read more
During insertion of windows and doors CADprofi program automatically detects the wall thickness and allows to easily specify the distance to insert read more
The Doors, windows command allows to insert doors and windows in both plan and view. For each objects databases are available that contain woodwork read more
In CADprofi program schematic walls are being drawn with lines that lie on appropriate layers. Composite walls can contain several layers that repr read more
CADprofi Architectural helps in creating construction drawings, cross-sections and elevations and allows to draw walls, insert doors and windows, c read more